Advertising Inquiry Form

For over 20 years (1997- 2025), has been the premier and most visited website dedicated to Island Ikaria tourism and travel information. With over 200,000 unique visitors annually from around the world and 500,000 viewed pages per year, is the leading website to advertise your Ikaria related property, business or service to your target audience.

Our customized ads are created just for you and feature traditional, interactive and new media elements. Your ad can include any combination of descriptive text, images, links, video, audio, embedded 360° panoramic rotating views, Google Maps & API features and social media networking.

We also offer to fly drone missions at your request to capture and embed custom high quality aerial video of your advertising subject or any other subject (i.e. recording, surveying and surveillance of family property). In addition to your ad being visible on, we can also promote the ad on Facebook utilizing the thousands of Facebook fans of's Official Facebook Page.

If you would like to receive more information please fil out the form below. Detailed Google Analytics & Statistics are available upon request to interested advertisers. View a summary of the past 12 months Website & Visitor Statistics.

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